Tuesday 22 March 2016

What are fewer good habits for a young men tgat can make life better?

What are 10 or fewer good habits for a 24 year old that can make life better?

Mini Habits for better Living

  1. Brush teeth twice with left hand a Day.
  2. Make your bed when you leave.
  3. Drink water first thing in the Morning and last thing in the Night.
  4. Do Meditation.(at least 10 to 15 mins.)
  5. Develop these ASAP : Learn, Unlearn, Relearn
  6. Drink Fresh Green Juice, you have a no idea about the energy you get from it.
  7. Carry water or Juice bottle and Drink it every Hour.!
  8. Eat vegetables and Fruits often.
  9. Serve a Food to your Parents, when you get Time.
  10. Call your Parents at least once in two to three Days, ask them "Mom/Dad, How are You? How you doing.!"
  11. Stretch for 10 sec for every Hour.!
  12. Rub your palms on your eyes gently if you are sitting in front of Screen formore than an Hour.!
  13. Put things where you found them.
  14. Get uncomfortable 10 times a Day.!
  15. Be a Motivator because anyone can be a criticizer.
  16. Before your sleeping Hours try to not to use your Cellphone.
  17. Reduce the Usage of WhatsApp or Facebook or any social networking sites.
  18. Don’t use your Phone as an Alarm clock.
  19. When you wake up, write 5 Most Important things you need to accomplish. At the end of a month you'll feel satisfied.(My Personal Guarantee)
  20. Before sleeping tell your brain to wake you up at a certain time(You’ll be amazed by this, just take a number keep telling your mind to wake you up at that time)
  21. Before sleeping Plan Tomorrow.
  22. Take deep breaths before sleeping.
  23. Take a good care of your skin, wash your face before sleeping and applyLotion or Face cream and lip balm.
  24. and last but not the least, Do Read a Good Book before You Sleep.(for at least 30 Mins, it will just boost your Mind up.!!!)
  25. I know, it's tough to change your self in a Day, but try to Improve 1% Every Day.

Edit : Help other People to Learn and Grow.

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