Wednesday 23 March 2016

For those who fed up of there life and always feel unhappy and think of starting a new life else where alone.

I am a 20yrs old boy, a student and I have spent all these years either complaining or begrudging over things and people I never got to make and I too have felt exactly like how you feel right now. But I’m not here to tell you my story. Here is what I want to tell you and other people of your age who think that life has been too hard on them. There is an old broken house next to an ATM where I frequently go to withdraw cash. I had seen a very old woman a couple of times sitting in front of that house. I felt pity for her as she stared at people who walked in and out of the ATM and wondered if she really had anyone to take care of. One day as I was passing by again, she waved at me and smiled. I waved and smiled back. She started murmuring something and gestured me to come closer. She wanted to say something. I was in a rush and I also thought that it might be a bad idea. So I told her that I had some important work and I would come back to listen to whatever she had to say. She replied with a bigger smile saying, ‘I know that you are not going to come back and that’s okay. You don’t have to make false promises to make me feel better.’ 
Fast forward- I made time through my hectic schedule and decided to visit her. I took some eatables on my way and did not expect her to remember me. But to my surprise, she did recognize me and she was glad I visited as she hadn’t expected. And this is what her life is like: She is 87yrs old who can barely walk, mother of 3 kids, 2 sons and a daughter. The elder son is happily married, living with his wife and children. Younger son is mentally disabled and is her responsibility now. The daughter who took care of her, died in a fire accident 3 years ago. The reason she chose me to talk to the other day was that I resemble her lost daughter. She misses her but doesn’t cry anymore. She says that she’s strong enough to take care of herself and her son. She also believes that her son is going to recover soon and she is going to get him married and only then she is ready to leave this world. I visit her every possible weekend and make sure I make her laugh. We talk, eat and share a few moments. She also takes care of 2 dogs(which were stray) and 3 cats who are her best friends and now mine too :)

What I’m trying to tell you is that when an 87yrs old woman can stand life at its hardest and still hope for the best, why can’t you? I mean just look at her smile. She changed my way of seeing life. I am not saying that starting a new life is a bad idea. It’s the best decision you’ve made. But start that new life right from wherever you are. New life doesn’t have to start in a new place or with new people around. Start a new life with new thinking, new way of accepting people and appreciating everything you’ve got, because, believe me there are a lot of people out there who are going through worse. Think about others and not just you. Create happiness instead of looking for it. Life is a lot more than having a perfect house, job and a relationship. Unfortunately, most of us realize that a bit too late. Life is so random .We only think that we are controlling our circumstances but actually not .Take life as it comes.

Thanks for reading hope this will help you :)

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