Wednesday 23 March 2016

What is the most difficult thing to learn and accept about life?

  1. People usually aren't listening. They are either thinking of what they are going to say next, or something else entirely.
  2. Everyone is insecure about something, it's not just you.
  3. You are going to die no matter what.
  4. Your kids will experience hardship.
  5. The bigger an organization is, the harder it is to make a change even if the need is so obvious.
  6. Some people are bad and have bad intentions.
  7. Many people (not all) will steal $100 from you today even if it means missing the opportunity to earn $1000 from you next week.
  8. You will never be 100% sure about decision ever. But always make a decision because it's better to go back and fix it than to never make it at all.
  9. There is ALWAYS someone who makes more money than you, is more fit, has a better looking spouse, has an easier life, good things happen to them. Usually more than just one.
  10. How you react to an event, problem, emotion, or anything, is more important than the actual event, problem, emotion or whatever. You cannot control your emotions, you cannot control others, all you can control is how you are going to react. Sometimes it's easy but usually it's really really hard.

What are the hardest truth you have to accept that will make you stronger?

That no one actually cares, they're just curious.
Got a new job? Nobody cares.
You passed your exams? Good job, nobody cares.
What's that? You're getting married? Nobody cares.
People are always curious, which isn't really a bad thing. They like to know what's going on in your life, but would they support you when you're at your lowest point in your life? No. Would they  help you when you need it most? No.
There's no point telling people everything because they don't care.
You have to pick yourself up and learn it the hard way.

For those who fed up of there life and always feel unhappy and think of starting a new life else where alone.

I am a 20yrs old boy, a student and I have spent all these years either complaining or begrudging over things and people I never got to make and I too have felt exactly like how you feel right now. But I’m not here to tell you my story. Here is what I want to tell you and other people of your age who think that life has been too hard on them. There is an old broken house next to an ATM where I frequently go to withdraw cash. I had seen a very old woman a couple of times sitting in front of that house. I felt pity for her as she stared at people who walked in and out of the ATM and wondered if she really had anyone to take care of. One day as I was passing by again, she waved at me and smiled. I waved and smiled back. She started murmuring something and gestured me to come closer. She wanted to say something. I was in a rush and I also thought that it might be a bad idea. So I told her that I had some important work and I would come back to listen to whatever she had to say. She replied with a bigger smile saying, ‘I know that you are not going to come back and that’s okay. You don’t have to make false promises to make me feel better.’ 
Fast forward- I made time through my hectic schedule and decided to visit her. I took some eatables on my way and did not expect her to remember me. But to my surprise, she did recognize me and she was glad I visited as she hadn’t expected. And this is what her life is like: She is 87yrs old who can barely walk, mother of 3 kids, 2 sons and a daughter. The elder son is happily married, living with his wife and children. Younger son is mentally disabled and is her responsibility now. The daughter who took care of her, died in a fire accident 3 years ago. The reason she chose me to talk to the other day was that I resemble her lost daughter. She misses her but doesn’t cry anymore. She says that she’s strong enough to take care of herself and her son. She also believes that her son is going to recover soon and she is going to get him married and only then she is ready to leave this world. I visit her every possible weekend and make sure I make her laugh. We talk, eat and share a few moments. She also takes care of 2 dogs(which were stray) and 3 cats who are her best friends and now mine too :)

What I’m trying to tell you is that when an 87yrs old woman can stand life at its hardest and still hope for the best, why can’t you? I mean just look at her smile. She changed my way of seeing life. I am not saying that starting a new life is a bad idea. It’s the best decision you’ve made. But start that new life right from wherever you are. New life doesn’t have to start in a new place or with new people around. Start a new life with new thinking, new way of accepting people and appreciating everything you’ve got, because, believe me there are a lot of people out there who are going through worse. Think about others and not just you. Create happiness instead of looking for it. Life is a lot more than having a perfect house, job and a relationship. Unfortunately, most of us realize that a bit too late. Life is so random .We only think that we are controlling our circumstances but actually not .Take life as it comes.

Thanks for reading hope this will help you :)

What are some interesting morning habits of well-balanced people?

  • Get out of the bed at 5am
    It helps you to get more out of life, I could say from 5:00 -8:00 you become better than you were yesterday.

  • Short Fitness session
    (abs, core training for 15 minutes). This session helps your body wake up and pump some blood in your muscles, and brain.
  • Master your mind
    Master your mind for 15 minutes. This session helps you to train your mind and control your thoughts. ( Focus your mind on whole life. Imagine success in all parts of of your life. Take control of your thoughts. Let your mind know what you truly want)

  • Reading
    I read books every day for 1 hour. I'm doing it couple months and I've to say the results are outstanding. I've gained so much knowledge. If you read 1 hour a day, you will read at least 50 books in year. So I will try to reach it. Why reading? Because it is one of the best ways how to increase your personal development and personal value. 

  • 90 minutes productivity session
    In these 90 minutes create your weekly, daily goals, planning your time or I could say more simple - GETTING THINGS DONE! :)

Tuesday 22 March 2016


                                                                 WHY ME ?

Last month ,I was travelling in train with my mom. Everything was perfect. I got a window seat, and sat on the direction of travel and had a perfect book to read. I always prefer a window seat , because the relative motion of the houses, buildings, trees and light posts beside the railway track gives a parallel motion of my mind towards my past and that always break my last defence and my eyes become cloudy. That is why sometimes I feel people like to get hurted.
 One hour into the journey I was thinking all those random things. Suddenly, the window shutter fell on my right hand. I was resting on the window sill .My right elbow was bleeding and there was a shooting pain through out my entire hand. Since we had around 3-4 more hours of journey we could do nothing but wait it out before going to a hospital.
That’s when I inadvertently had the thought why me? It was a week day, meaning a crowded train. Why should it be that the window shutter beside my seat had to give in?
From where I sat, I saw the people who had the window seat  :

        An aged lady, probably around 70’s , was sleeping and was resting her left arm on the window sill. I believe I would be able to bear the pain better than her.

       A man my dad’s age was reading the news paper and his elbow was on the window sill. I would gladly bear the brunt instead of my dad.

      A women in the late 20’s , with mobile in her hand was also resting her right hand on the window sill. She could either be a working   or be a house maker . Either way , there is no chance that she could take a day off from her duties due to the pain.

     Little kid where absorbed by the scene outside, that they where seated  like this -
I don’t even want to imagine what would had happened if the shutter fell on her tiny fingers!!

And then there was me. On my vacation so basically days that I get to recover from it. That’s the moment I realized that I am glad it was me. 

What are some common forms of sexism that men face?

What are some common forms of sexism that men face?
This happened just today.
I was coming back from my college at around 4 pm, I parked my vehicle pressed the button for the elevator and got in, just as I was about to get in I saw a woman approaching the parking area. I quickly held the door open for her ( its an automatic elevator so you have to keep a button pressed in order to keep the door open).
I held the button for almost one minute, she came near the elevator and pressed the button for another elevator while I was holding the door open to my elevator. I felt so embarrassed.
 Due to women like these, men think twice before helping a women thinking that she will take it in a wrong way.